Monday, June 16, 2008

Foraging For "Keperluan Rumah"

Last "last" weekend (delayed posting :p as no time to complete), I plundered my mums house of a few essentials and brought back to Penang to fill my new house :D...
The list of things I managed to pilfered :p
1. Semi-Automatic Washing Machine
2. 2x 130cm Curtain Blinds
3. Microwave Oven
4. Rice Cooker
5. Full Set of Cooking Pots & Pans Silverware
6. Rubbish Bin (yes.. i took back one of them step and pop open type :p)
7. Cooking utensils
and we also went shopping at ikea to buy a few other stuffs also...

Things bought :
1. Simple Wall Clock
2. Cookware of 3 pots of different sizes 
3. 10pcs Hanger
4. 2x Toilet Brush
5. Kitchen Rail with hooks
6. Dining Cutlery
7. 300m Curtain Rail with hooks
8. 2x Blanket for guests (so u guys dont get cold whn u come up :p)
9. 2x Wall Spot Light & Energy Saving Light Bulbs to go
10. 4pcs mirror
completed all this in 1 whole day... was exhausted by the end of it... ahh but you must be wondering how im going to bring up all this loot to penang huh ? ... easy peachy with my kenari ... hahahaha .. yes.. u heard it.. im stuffing a washing machine a microwave oven and a whole load of crap into my measly size kenari car :p ..  you should seen how cramped my whole car was.. .. flattened them back seats to make space for the washing machine...  came down with an empty car... gone back up with a full mini sized truck.. lol :p
oh yeah.. farnee thing... i got stopped by them traffic police while on the PLUS travelling back up... nope.. not for speeding... for the bunch of stuff in my car.. all he did was ask wats in the back of my seat and to checked my driving license ... maybe to see if i was some dude whom jst stole a whole bunch of things or not :p... once i told the officer that its only "barang barang keperluan" he left me on my own way back... hehehe.. ok time for minor renovations on me new house d :p
Countdown : 5 months 12 days


Moo Moo Cow said...

Ei, how come only 10 pcs of hanger? enuf meh? Then got 4 pcs of mirror? Need so many ah? vain ya...
And 2 blankets for max guest is 2 person? = )

Super Chu Chai said...

hahhaa.. starting off lar.. still too early ler... :p bought all those on a whim for now :p

need to do house reno then repainting and all before start looking to complete the house :P