Thursday, November 20, 2008


We have underestimated...
1. The number of guests whom will be coming from outstation
2. The total number of tables for the wedding dinner banquet
3. The wedding budget... the miscellaneos costs is floating the budget alot... Thank God we managed to find cheaper accomodation for our guests & able to adjust accordingly...
4. The Wedding Day Schedule itself.... its going to be a full blown whole day event starting from 6am to 11pm... which by then i suspect we only able to rest at 12am...
We have overestimated...
1. The number of available "Zhee Mui" (Sisters) for the "Fetch the Bride" event... all of Siew's close friends are either working or unavailable to help
2. The number of attendees for the Wedding Ceremony
3. Those whom we thought are coming are not coming, while those whom were not free to come are coming
Countdown: 8 Days
Its soooooo closseee.......

Friday, November 14, 2008


The cavalry is arriving in another hour plus... lol ... hopefully we able to go through alot of details... but im looking at another tight pack weekend... uggh..

Thursday, November 13, 2008

alot & too little

alot of constraints...
alot of complications ..
alot of arrangements...
alot of restrictions..
alot of details...
alot of small things which dont seem much but its veli complicated...
too little time
too little ideas
too little resolution
too little resources
too little clues

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weight Lost

"You have Lost Weight oh"... those 4 words minus the "oh" injected some sort of reality shock to me.... not in a good way... i was hoping to put on weight so that i wont look so thin during my BIG day... so that i will look bigger in a coat... but those words uttered by my mum when she came up for the food tasting was a suprised to me.... I didnt expect to loose weight...  i wanted to gain instead... -_-" gahh.... mission failed.. lol
yes... maybe u gals out there would have shouted for joy if you were in my position but not for me... i was fat once... with my waist growing to 33 on the verged of hitting 34.. now i think i have shrunk to 32... -_-" not good when i bought some new pants which is around the 33-34 waist zone...
ya... side tip.... want to lose weight? Go planned your own wedding & at the same go and prepare a new house for moving in.... with the running around and all sort of minor things needing to look into will guarantee you loose a few pounds...


Thats the time me & lovely slept last night.... we were going through alot of un-finish details for the wedding week and found out that there is soooooooo many complications ....
1. Whom to call for the brothers or sisters for the "Fetch the bride" event... if invite one dont invite the other dont seem so nice.. if invite the others there will be transportation complications.. not to mention the house imploding with the number of ppl having to squeeze into the house.... Note: both my house and lovely house is not that big.. and counting only the totall ppl to be in the house during the morning event is already reaching bout 70-80 ppl... *faint*
2. TRANSPORTATION !!! .... this is one one big headache.... who to go with whom with which car to where on wat time and whom to go later... my side.. siew side somemore... *brain fizzling out*
3. Food .... everyone knows im not a good food long as its edible... and i can eat it... i can stuff it... now i need to figure out wats the menu for the dinner the night before... the lunch for the day itself ... somemore having alot of ideas from the last food tasting is not going to help salvage much idea on how to finalized what the precious guest are going to eat... God knows i dont wish to give them diarrhea for my wedding event..
4. Detaills.... Detailsss... & Detaills...... so many small little details are popping up like mushroom after a rain... if only this details can be cashed i would have one problem less to think about....
5. Banquet dinner complications... Sitting arrangement... how to toast the guests.. how to broached the wine topic.. food finalization... vegetarian requests...... 
But thank God we managed to settle this complications...
1. Lodging place for KL heng dai & Dad frens
2. Lodging place for Siew frens & relatives
Countdown: 18 Days

Friday, November 07, 2008

No voice

It started off with sore throat ....
Then the fever strikes....
After countering the fever with some panadol, only a course throat remains
The throat gets coarser & coarser..
Now i have no voice...
And its a friday.... gah...